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Submitted: 10/11/05 • Approved: 6/26/09 • Last Updated: 2/16/13 • R542-G0-S3
The Shisler Cemetery is located three and a half miles west of Chadron, Nebraska, and two miles south on Deadhorse Road. There is only one gravestone (Mancy A. Littell) in the cemetery
The following passage comes from "A Stream Called Deadhorse" by Minnie Alice Rhoads. 1957.
"Sorrow came to the Rowes and the Shistlers [sic] in rather large measures. Mrs. Rowe and their only son died and Mr. Rowe went back to Missouri, later going to Oregon. The Shistlers [sic] gave up in death four of their five children. They were buried in the little cemetery along Deadhorse road . . . . Mr. Shistler [sic] fenced this plot . . . . Thirty seven graves are recorded there."
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Further Information
The following text comes from the June 20, 1890 edition of the Dawes County Journal
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A Fiendish Deed
A Crime That Would Make Its Perpetrator Unpopular with the Devil
Chadron, Neb. June 12 --- Daniel Williams, a farmer living about five miles southwest of Chadron, went to the house of a neighbor named Warren Shisler and finding Mrs. Shisler and a four-year-old boy alone, attempted to assault her. Mrs. Shisler fought him for hearly [sic] an hour, but he finally choked her and carried her to a well house near by and locked the little boy out. He then asked her to chose between resigning herself and never divulging the secret or being pitched head first into the fifty-foot well.
The brave little woman told the fiend she would die first, and after again attacking her without result, he jammed her through the hole in the platform which was less than eleven by thirteen inches.
She caught the rope and finally grasped the capping at the side of the well. Williams then put his foot through the opening and kicked her hands loose, when she again caught the rope and slid to the bottom of the well, burning one of her hands to the bone.
She crawled out of the water into a cavity where the well had caved and remained there three hours. Williams finally told a brother of Mrs. Shisler that she had fallen into the well. Five men came along in a wagon and rescued the brave little woman, and brought the brute who assaulted her to Chadron where he now lies in jail.
The heroic woman will recover. Williams is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Shisler, and has a wife and three children living on the next farm. Mr. Shisler was twenty-five miles from home working on his timber claim.
Contributed on 10/11/05 by JimNebraska99
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Record #: 542