JUERGENS surname records in Cedar County, Nebraska

Name Cemetery County Updated
JUERGENS, Alfrida St. John the Baptist- Fordyce Cemetery Cedar 2013-02-16 14:45:46
JUERGENS, Anna St. John the Baptist- Fordyce Cemetery Cedar 2013-02-16 14:45:46
JUERGENS, August St. John the Baptist- Fordyce Cemetery Cedar 2013-02-16 14:45:45
JUERGENS, Bernard H. St. John the Baptist- Fordyce Cemetery Cedar 2013-02-16 14:45:46
JUERGENS, Henry St. John the Baptist- Fordyce Cemetery Cedar 2013-02-16 14:45:46
JUERGENS, Herbert St. John the Baptist- Fordyce Cemetery Cedar 2013-02-16 14:45:46

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